Monday, June 30, 2008


Please let me know your thoughts/comments/critiques on the manuscript in the comments section of this post.

I know that you only had a small amount of text to review but your thoughts are appreciated.


Varda said...

I was a little confused at first, but it's very intriguing. The style seems a little different than your other one, and personally, I like it better. The Guardian idea was really sweet. :D

I noticed a few minor grammar mistakes, (grammar being the only thing I could possibly critique). Mostly that sentence about the pods being in a circle. . .

Thanks for sending it! =D I wish there'd been more to read.

VanSneak said...

Thanks Jenn, for being the first to reply I sent you bonus material.

Phil Lowe said...

Heya...I got some ideas and what not. I'll bring em' down to the farm this weekend. Lookin' forward to seeing you guys.