Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Myriad fast growing plants make up the Vinewall, a dark, near impenetrable jungle and home to the Ebresh. During the Great War many battles were fought in the Vinewall with the natural predators and diseases taking their toll on both armies (though with the help of the Ebresh the Eladii fared far better than the Shogar). Due to the resilience and rapid growth of the plant life, deforestation effects used during the war proved to be ineffective. Vegetation that was chemically or biologically destroyed replaced itself within days.

Notable residents of the Vinewall:

Tuntrox: Gigantic herbivores, the tuntrox is the species predominantly responsible for keeping the Vinewall from choking off all life in its verdant embrace. Tuntrox browse in large herds beneath the bows of the great trees and are the path makers of the forest. Legless, the tuntrox slither through the Vinewall stretching their immense bulk into the canopy where they feed. Tuntrox roam in extended family units usually led by an old bull. Newborn young are sometimes taken by tiger hawks and other large predators but an adult tuntrox has no natural enemies. They are a water loving species and family groups are often seen near rivers wallowing in the mire or swimming in the deeps.

Black Stinger: A peril to any forest dweller, black stingers swarm after the Vinewall’s frequent rain storms sucking the fluids from any creature unlucky enough to be caught in the writhing mass. Black stingers have no mouth parts but ingest all their food through the long stinger on their abdomen. They feed by constantly stinging their victim until all liquid has been removed from the body. On occasion the Ebresh have reported swarms large enough to overwhelm even the gigantic tuntrox.

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